Fawcett & Hetherington, King George House, 92 High Street, Eston, TS6 9EG
01642 459555
We can help you to choose a lasting Memorial and guide you through the process step-by-step.
We have a range of Memorials for you to choose from and most styles, carvings and type of stone can be interchanged as you require.
We have brochures which you can take away and look at before coming to your final decision as we understand that this an important decision that takes a lot of consideration.
A Standard headstone can take about 12-16 weeks for the Memorial to be erected or if you are wanting something a little more bespoke it can take longer however it is worth the wait.Kerb sets can be placed around your memorial in some cemeteries however these can be costly to remove again should you have a double grave as they will need removing prior to any further so a lot of consideration should be put into these before coming to a decision, our staff would be more than happy to advise.
We can also arrange any Additional Inscriptions, Cleaning, Repairing, Re-Gilding and Re-Painting to an existing Memorial to be completed.All memorial work is requested to be paid in advance.Please contact us on 01642 459555 to make an appointment so we can talk through any ideas or questions you may have or email us on info@fawcettandhetherington.co.uk???????https://www.youtube.com/shorts/pYSqFbMv5wI
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Monday - Thursday 9am - 5pm Friday 9am - 4.30pm Weekends appointment only.
Call: 01642 459555
Address: Fawcett & Hetherington, King George House, 92 High Street, Eston, TS6 9EG